[FYI] Collab network maintenance this Thursday and Friday

From: Paul Sterk <Paul.Sterk_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 08 Oct 2008 11:47:28 -0700

Hi all,

Collabnet's network provider will be performing maintenance between :

   Thu Oct 9 23:00 PDT - Fri Oct 10 01:00 PDT
= Fri Oct 10 08:00 CET - Fri Oct 10 10:00 CET
= Fri Oct 10 10:00 MSD - Fri Oct 10 12:00 MSD

The network provider indicated that this "should not impact access to
CollabNet's hosted sites due to their redundant network architecture
but there is a chance our hosted customers might experience intermittent
connectivity issues during the 2 hour maintenance window"
