Re: Using EJB 3.0 session bean from J2EE 1.4 web project

From: Ryan de Laplante <>
Date: Tue, 02 Sep 2008 16:58:54 -0400 wrote:
>> I think I understand now. The only fuzzy part is how
>> to tell the EJB
>> about the 2.x local interface in addition to the
>> business local
>> interface since @Local is already being used.
> I mentioned this above. You don't put it in the implements clause. In the 2.x programming model the bean class is not a direct subtype of the 2.x Local interface. The
> container will derive the 2.x Local interface from the signature of the create method in
> the 2.x LocalHome interface.
> /<<One thing to note is if you previously defined the local business interface
> by putting it in the bean class implements clause without annotating it with
> @Local, you'll need to explicitly add the @Local annotation. That default
> only applies when the bean doesn't expose any other view. Once @LocalHome
> is there, you'll need to specifically state that the Local business interface is
> indeed a local business interface.>>/

I put a code example because what you said was not 100% clear, and is
still not. Without a complete example I have many questions. I will
just plug away at it tonight until it works.

Thanks for your help,
