Actrivating backup lb in 2 server clustered enviroment

From: <>
Date: Thu, 18 Sep 2008 01:24:35 PDT

Hey Folks

I am kinda new to glassfish. In one of our requirements we need to set up loadbalancing and achieve HA using two servers. SO here is what I did :

Created node agent 'node2' with reference of HOST1 (Also Acting as DAS)

On HOST1 (Also acting as DAS)
Created domain -> Created node-agent 'node1' -> Created Cluster 'cluster1' -> created two instance in the cluster, one of each node, node1 and node2 -> deployed application on cluster -> Started the cluster

After doing this I was able to access the sample application at following url

Then on HOST1 i deployed lbpluigin and made changes in obj.conf and magnus.conf as required -> ran asadmin commands to create lb config, enabled cluster on lb, enabled applications -> exported conf to loadbalancer.xml ->copied loadbalancer.xml to webserver instance's conf directory. -> deployed the conf through WADM deploy config -> restared server instances through DAS.->restarted webserver

After doing this I was able to access the sample application at following url
(virtual server's listener IP is 80)

Question :
From my last question(Achieveing HA and lb on two server) I came to know that I can configure lb on HOST2 in such a way that I can use the cluster at HOST1 by using url http://HOST2/clusterjsp.
So her is what I did
1.) Installed webserver and lb on HOST2
2.) Ran following create-http-lb-config command
./asadmin create-http-lb-config --host HOST1 cluster1 MylbConfig
(FYI, as it must be clear cluster1 is cluster at HOST1 using instances of HOST1 and HOST2 and config with a name Mylbconfig already exists in HOST1)
3.) ./asadmin enable-http-lb-server --host HOST1 cluster1

4.) ./asadmin create-http-health-checker --interval 10 --config MyLbConfig --host HOST1 cluster1

5.) copied loadbalancer.xml from HOST1 to HOST2 in wbsrve-instance/config

6.) Deployed config by using ./wadm deploy-config

7.) Started WebServer instance

Now when I hit http://HOST2/clusterjsp the result is 404 not found.
and also I could not find any heartbeat http signals from HOST2 in access log of both instances.

Am I missing any step here, please help..

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