Re: Achieving Load balancing + HA on two servers

From: Kshitiz Saxena <Kshitiz.Saxena_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 17 Sep 2008 21:08:08 +0530

Hi Anzy,

Please see my comments inline.

Kshitiz wrote:
> Hi Kshitiz
> Thanks a lot for the quick reply.
> Sry I pointed incorrect error, i am actally getting 'unable to connect' error
> When you say deploying lb on HOST2, I am assuming that it will involve configuring the server(HOST2) in similar terms of HOST1, that is I'll have to create a new cluster2 which will have two new instances i3 and i4 running one each on HOST1 and HOST2. And before that would also need to create two node agents on HOST2 as the existing node agent are in DAS which is functioning on HOST1.
> All in all if I am interpreting correctly you are suggesting me to run both the machines as DAS, [b]each[/b] having one cluster, two node agents and two instances each. And then configure lb on both such that the application is available on following IPs
> http://HOST1/clusterjsp and http://HOST2/clusterjsp
> And then configure these two HOSTS on a hardware lb balancer
> Question1: Please let me know if my assumption is correct


My suggestion was to install another web-server on HOST2 and install
lbplugin. Then export exactly same load-balancer xml as on HOST1 on
HOST2. This was to build redundancy in system to provide HA, i.e., so if
web-server on HOST1 goes down, one on HOST2 will handle complete load.

> Question2: Do I really need DAS and clustering if i intent to go for external h/w load balancer ?I mean I can simply deploy the application on two indipendent instnaces on two servers and reference them to h/w load balancer.
> I guess the difference would lie in whether I want session persistence and hadb as a part of my solution.
> Please let me know your opinion about it.

Yes, you are right. If you use H/W load-balancer like BigIP, you do not
need web-server with load-balancer plugin. You can configure BigIP to do
that job. Please refer to blog by Prashanth for more information :

However not everyone is interested in investing on costly H/W
load-balancer. So if you are looking for solution, for example linux
kernel load-balancer, which does not parse http requests, you need
web-server with lbplugin.

If you don't need session persistence(memory/hadb), you don't need
web-server with lbplugin at all. You can directly expose
application-server instances to handle load.

The use of web-server with lbplugin is to :
a) Maintain stickiness of http-requests part of a particular session to
same instance.
b) Performing fail-over

> Regards
> Anzy
> FYI: Both of my servers are Solaris Sparc
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