Re: GlassFish V3 SNAPSHOT Server Plugin for Eclipse 3.4 jar problems with TP2

From: <>
Date: Sat, 13 Sep 2008 08:19:35 PDT

   Yes, I see the prelude download link on the right - immediately. Also a search on glassfish on google shows the prelude link in the summary - thank you.

    I really thank you for all your quick turnaround help.
    I am sorry but I have another problem with the V3 SNAPSHOT (for V3 Prelude) plugin.
    Now that I can create a server start/stop/debug it. I am unable to do a deploy of an ear or war from Eclipse 3.4. I created an empty EAR (with EJB/WAR subprojects) using the Eclipse IDE "JEE Application" wizard and added a "hello" jsp.

   The problem is that I cannot run it on the server from the IDE, If I drop the EAR into the auto-deploy directory of the running domain1 it also fails to deploy - but this is a separate problem.

   The message whether I try "run on server" or create a server and add an existing glassFishEAR project is....

   "Project facet EAR version 1.5 is not supported"

   I tried the following combinations that should work.
   A 1.5 EAR
   "Project facet EAR version 1.5 is not supported"
   A 1.4 EAR with 2.1 EJB
   "Project facet EAR version 1.5 is not supported"
   "Project facet EJB Module version 2.1 is not supported"

   I also tried turning off the EAR deployment descriptor generation (no application.xml)

   Hacking the facet descriptor in eclipse will not work as the EAR will not show up in the add projects to server dialog without the following set to some value.

<installed facet="jst.ear" version="1.4"/>

logs for dropping an EAR into the autodeploy directory
Sep 13, 2008 10:45:34 AM org.glassfish.deployment.autodeploy.AutoDeployer deploy
INFO: [AutoDeploy] Selecting file C:\opt\gf3prelude\glassfish\domains\domain1\autodeploy\glassFishEAR.ear for autodeployment.
Sep 13, 2008 10:45:34 AM OSGiModuleImpl loadClass
INFO: Started bundle [79]
Sep 13, 2008 10:45:34 AM org.glassfish.api.ActionReport failure
SEVERE: Module type not recognized
Sep 13, 2008 10:45:34 AM org.glassfish.deployment.autodeploy.AutoOperation run
WARNING: [AutoDeploy] Autodeploy failed : C:\opt\gf3prelude\glassfish\domains\domain1\autodeploy\glassFishEAR.ear.

- using project-version="1.5" has the same problem.
<project-modules id="moduleCoreId" project-version="1.5.0">
    <wb-module deploy-name="glassFishEAR">
        <wb-resource deploy-path="/" source-path="/EarContent"/>
        <dependent-module deploy-path="/" handle="module:/resource/glassFishWeb/glassFishWeb">
        <dependent-module deploy-path="/" handle="module:/resource/glassFishEJB/glassFishEJB">

   This eclipse 3.4 installation works fine creating projects to deploy on other application servers such as WebLogic 10.3, OC4J 10, JBoss 4.2, and Tomcat 6 detailed on the following site.

2) Another issue is that the glassFish server is not appearing in the "Target Runtime" dropdown when exporting, creating the project or adding to a server - the only way to associate an EAR project with the glassFish server is to add the project first with no target server and then recreate the server and add existing projects. I don't know if this creates a problem picking up the 5.0/1.5 EAR facet.

3) A third issue is that only the 3 GlassFish server plugins below appear in the dialog for "run on server" - the workaround is to create a V3 server and add the projects there - this workaround is not really valid as in I have to stop and delete the server in order to add or run a project.

GlassFish V1 Java EE 5
GlassFish V2 Java EE 5
Sailfin V1

The other two V3 servers are missing.

thank you
[Message sent by forum member 'mobrien' (mobrien)]