Re: GlassFish V3 SNAPSHOT Server Plugin for Eclipse 3.4 jar problems with TP2

From: Ludovic Champenois <Ludovic.Champenois_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Sat, 13 Sep 2008 08:40:44 -0700 wrote:
> Rochelle,
> Yes, I see the prelude download link on the right - immediately. Also a search on glassfish on google shows the prelude link in the summary - thank you.
> I really thank you for all your quick turnaround help.
> I am sorry but I have another problem with the V3 SNAPSHOT (for V3 Prelude) plugin.
> 1)
> Now that I can create a server start/stop/debug it. I am unable to do a deploy of an ear or war from Eclipse 3.4. I created an empty EAR (with EJB/WAR subprojects) using the Eclipse IDE "JEE Application" wizard and added a "hello" jsp.
> The problem is that I cannot run it on the server from the IDE, If I drop the EAR into the auto-deploy directory of the running domain1 it also fails to deploy - but this is a separate problem.
> The message whether I try "run on server" or create a server and add an existing glassFishEAR project is....
> "Project facet EAR version 1.5 is not supported"

this is the correct message. GlassFish V3 Prelude does not support EAR.
Ear support will be added for the next release called GlassFish V3 (
see, no prelude suffix) that will support Java EE 6.

If you want EAR support, please use GlassFish V2.
