Re: GF3tp2 domain1 fails to start out of the box

From: Snjezana Sevo-Zenzerovic <Snjezana.Sevo-Zenzerovic_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 10 Sep 2008 14:37:49 -0700

I believe you are hitting something similar to this issue:

It is *very lengthy* bug report, so please read all the way through :-)

In a nutshell, your domain configuration was not properly created during
the installation, but that failure was not properly reported. Inspection
of installation log should give you some information on the cause of
failure. Note that pkg/updatetool commands will not help you with this
particular problem since domain configuration is created "on the fly"
and it is not under package control.

HTH... wrote:

> thank you, I was using the installer exe, I have followed all the steps in
> Just to be sure, I did an update using [pkg] to configure the domain and download extra components from
>The software needed for this command (pkg.bat) is not installed.
>Press any key to install the necessary software, or Ctrl-C to quit.
>After software installation is completed you may re-run this command.
>Press any key to continue . . .
>Platform: windows-i386
>Software repository:
>Exception in thread "main" No route to host: connect
>Tried enabling http.proxy* in jre\lib\ with the firewall off - didnt work
>It turns out that the pkg.bat script picks up the proxy details from the registry.
>(FOR /F "tokens=3* delims= " %%A IN ('reg query "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings" /v ProxyServer') DO SET MY_PROXY_SERVER=%%A ) 2>nul
>(FOR /F "tokens=3* delims= " %%A IN ('reg query "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings" /v ProxyEnable') DO SET MY_PROXY_ENABLE=%%A ) 2>nul
>I added proxy settings to IE and the download proceeded OK
>The software needed for this command (pkg.bat) is not installed.
>Press any key to install the necessary software, or Ctrl-C to quit.
>After software installation is completed you may re-run this command.
>Press any key to continue . . .
>Platform: windows-i386
>Software repository:
>Installing pkg packages...
>Installing: python2.4-minimal_at_2.4.4,0-8.724:20080612T134356Z
>python2.4-minimal_at_2.4.4,0-8.724:20080612T134356Z: manifest file doesn't exist yet, fetching from server
>python2.4-minimal_at_2.4.4,0-8.724:20080612T134356Z: downloading files.....................................................
>python2.4-minimal_at_2.4.4,0-8.724:20080612T134356Z: installing files...
>Installing: pkg_at_0.1.5,0-8.837:20080629T113121Z
>pkg_at_0.1.5,0-8.837:20080629T113121Z: manifest file doesn't exist yet, fetching from server
>pkg_at_0.1.5,0-8.837:20080629T113121Z: downloading files...................................................................
>pkg_at_0.1.5,0-8.837:20080629T113121Z: installing files...
>Update Center initialization complete.
> I am going to try the and see if I can get a default domain.xml from there.
> thank you
> /michael
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