Re: GF3tp2 domain1 fails to start out of the box

From: <>
Date: Wed, 10 Sep 2008 08:55:51 PDT

        thank you, I was using the installer exe, I have followed all the steps in
        Just to be sure, I did an update using [pkg] to configure the domain and download extra components from

The software needed for this command (pkg.bat) is not installed.
Press any key to install the necessary software, or Ctrl-C to quit.
After software installation is completed you may re-run this command.
Press any key to continue . . .

Platform: windows-i386
Software repository:
Exception in thread "main" No route to host: connect

Tried enabling http.proxy* in jre\lib\ with the firewall off - didnt work

It turns out that the pkg.bat script picks up the proxy details from the registry.
(FOR /F "tokens=3* delims= " %%A IN ('reg query "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings" /v ProxyServer') DO SET MY_PROXY_SERVER=%%A ) 2>nul
(FOR /F "tokens=3* delims= " %%A IN ('reg query "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings" /v ProxyEnable') DO SET MY_PROXY_ENABLE=%%A ) 2>nul

I added proxy settings to IE and the download proceeded OK


The software needed for this command (pkg.bat) is not installed.
Press any key to install the necessary software, or Ctrl-C to quit.
After software installation is completed you may re-run this command.
Press any key to continue . . .

Platform: windows-i386
Software repository:
Installing pkg packages...
Installing: python2.4-minimal_at_2.4.4,0-8.724:20080612T134356Z
python2.4-minimal_at_2.4.4,0-8.724:20080612T134356Z: manifest file doesn't exist yet, fetching from server
python2.4-minimal_at_2.4.4,0-8.724:20080612T134356Z: downloading files.....................................................
python2.4-minimal_at_2.4.4,0-8.724:20080612T134356Z: installing files...
Installing: pkg_at_0.1.5,0-8.837:20080629T113121Z
pkg_at_0.1.5,0-8.837:20080629T113121Z: manifest file doesn't exist yet, fetching from server
pkg_at_0.1.5,0-8.837:20080629T113121Z: downloading files...................................................................
pkg_at_0.1.5,0-8.837:20080629T113121Z: installing files...
Update Center initialization complete.

        I am going to try the and see if I can get a default domain.xml from there.

        thank you
[Message sent by forum member 'mobrien' (mobrien)]