Re: Autodiscovery of JPA classes

From: Jose Noheda <>
Date: Wed, 10 Sep 2008 22:22:40 +0200

Thank you very much, /WEB-INF/lib/model.jar worked! Relative paths fail with

Caused by: PWC1222: Path lib/model.jar does
not start with a "/" character



On Wed, Sep 10, 2008 at 9:58 PM, Sahoo <> wrote:

> Autodiscovery of entity classes is limited to a PU root only. if you keep
> your persistence.xml in WEB-INF/classes/META-INF directory, then you have to
> add WEB-INF/lib/*.jar in persistence.xml to the list of jar files to be
> searched for classes. Use <jar-file> element in your persistence.xml. e.g.,
> <jar-file>../lib/additional-entities.jar</jar-file>
> Thanks,
> Sahoo
> Jose Noheda wrote:
>> Hi,
>> When deploying to Glassfish including a persistence.xml in the WAR file
>> (inside META-INF) only the WEB-INF/classes are discovered by Hibernate. If I
>> place it in a JAR (later included inside WEB-INF/lib) only the jar classses
>> are correctly detected. Is there any way to load both?
>> Regards
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