Re: Autodiscovery of JPA classes

From: Sahoo <Sahoo_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 11 Sep 2008 01:28:13 +0530

Autodiscovery of entity classes is limited to a PU root only. if you
keep your persistence.xml in WEB-INF/classes/META-INF directory, then
you have to add WEB-INF/lib/*.jar in persistence.xml to the list of jar
files to be searched for classes. Use <jar-file> element in your
persistence.xml. e.g.,


Jose Noheda wrote:
> Hi,
> When deploying to Glassfish including a persistence.xml in the WAR
> file (inside META-INF) only the WEB-INF/classes are discovered by
> Hibernate. If I place it in a JAR (later included inside WEB-INF/lib)
> only the jar classses are correctly detected. Is there any way to load
> both?
> Regards