web apps are not in docroot

From: <>
Date: Tue, 09 Sep 2008 07:12:51 PDT

I have a few web applications that run OK on SJSAS 8.1, I am having difficulty deploying them to SJSAS 9.1_02 (build b04-fcs).

I deploy web apps by uploading the .war file via the Admin Console, this appeared to go OK and the applications have been extracted into the usual place:

When the SJSAS is started it records errors in the server log saying the applications do not exist in
This is correct, they don't.

When I try to access the applications with a browser I get a 404 error.

I do not want to change anything in the applications that will prevent them from working in our old SJSAS 8.1 servers.

Any idea what I need configure in SJSAS 9.1_02 to tell it the applications are where they are ?

The following lines are an extract from server.log:
-4793-b69e-ac190def4cc2;|PWC1300: Error starting resources in context /mywebapp|#]

-4793-b69e-ac190def4cc2;|PWC4430: Document base /opt/SUNWappserver/domains/domain1/docroot/mywebapp does not exist or is not a readable directory|#]
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