RE: Migrate2glassfish fails to 'just work' when migrating from Websphere

From: <>
Date: Mon, 08 Sep 2008 13:24:17 PDT

Yes, when I run <b>jar -xvf</b> on the ear file, the RMI stubs are in there. So, the question is how can I get them out without using the Websphere server? (I do not have access to the server...though, I suppose if I don't mind the wait, I can submit a workorder and I might get what I need after a while - you'll understand if you read <a href="">my blog</a>). My first inclination is to simply remove them and manually repack the EAR using JAR (though I'm not sure if this will do it properly, never tried).

Could you elaborate a little? I do not have the Websphere server these EARs came from. Is it possible to remove the RMI generated stubs (without Websphere)?

Da Lizard
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