Publishing a web API using glassfish, is there an easy way?

From: <>
Date: Mon, 29 Sep 2008 20:34:20 PDT

I'd like to publish an API for my SaaS application powered by glassfish but I'm having trouble find a good library to do this with.

- I tried Apache Axis2 but after a few hours thought "there must be an easier way", but maybe I should try it again
- I tried to use the @WebService annotation but the documentation is so scattered and there are so many bugs, missing features, version numbers, and ambiguous documentation that I'm just lost and confused about how to get this working; it seems to at least require that I'm an expert about SOAP, if not an expert on WSGEN and Metro with a copy of the source code open for reference.
- I tried to use something called "doff" which looked cool for publishing a RESTful API but barfed when I loaded it into glassfish and it tried to do some kind of clever service discovery algorithm.

I'm not concerned about whether it's SOAP, XML-RPC, or RESTful; I'm just looking for something:

- nice and simple that
- wraps my EJB interface into something accessible by HTTP
- has documentation all in one place for a lay man like myself
- works out of the box in the glassfish v2ur2 container
- doesn't require me to modify the jars that came with glassfish (i.e. all the jars fit into the EAR)
- doesn't require me to understand SOAP-specific terms like "wsdl:portType"

Has anyone run into anything along these lines - what would you recommend?
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