Re: glassfich deployment problems

From: <>
Date: Sun, 28 Sep 2008 09:47:56 PDT

Ok, I finally found a very simple solution: remove commons-attributes-api and commons-attributes-compiler.jar from the classpath.

I don't know why they where in the classpath, but happily I don't need them (if I needed them, It would have been a nightmare to solve my problem, because Spring needs versions of libraries that are not the same that the ones needed by hibernate, and It is probably complex to change the order in which jars are searched.... ).

But I now have a new problem.
I was used to work on glassfish before. I know have to work on eclipse with the glassfish plugin. And I have difficulties to define/create the JDBC ressources and the connection pool at deployment.
I actually have the sun-ressources in my WEB-INF, and the persistence.xml file in META-INF directory of my ejb module.

But at deployment, I can see the following messages:
Ignore: C:\......\WEB-INF\sun-resources.xml|#]

-4848-1;_RequestID=44d9e303-3e69-4697-9ce1-3fce18fb69cd;|javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: ejbtestsimple not found
java.lang.RuntimeException: javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: ejbtestsimple not found at com.sun.enterprise.server.PersistenceUnitInfoImpl._getJtaDataSource(

So apparently, my persistence.xml is well read, and when glassfish try to search for the jta-datasource, it can't find it because it is defined in the sun-ressources.xml wich has been ignored.

So finally, do you know why my sun-ressources is ignored, and eventually, where should I place it in my project for it to be interpreted (or else, what could I do).

I just add that I don't want to define this in the admin console, I really want all this to be defined during the deployment...

Hope I am clear.

Thanks in advance.
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