Re: Directory Deployment and Bundled Libraries

From: vince kraemer <Vince.Kraemer_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 23 Sep 2008 20:42:11 -0700

Hi Dave,

I have a bit of experience with the directory deployment facilities in
GF, so I will attempt to answer your questions. The "real" answer would
come from one of the folks that works on the implementation of
deployment. I am not one of those folks, so my answers are based on what
I have used...

See my responses in-line below...

Dave Muirhead wrote:
> Greetings-
> I understand that GlassFish supports directory deployment (aka
> exploded deployment), at least as far as JEE Modules (ejb .jar, .war,
> .rar) go. That much I have been able to get working successfully in v2.
> The JEE 5 spec provides that an .ear file can have a directory, by
> default named "lib", at the root of the enterprise archive that
> contains "Bundled Libraries" (.jar files of classes and resources that
> need to be available on the class path of all JEE modules in the
> application).
> What I want to know is whether GlassFish supports deploying Bundled
> Library as exploded directories,

I have not seen that work. The jars that are not java ee artifacts are
not exploded during archive deployment. (last I checked)
> for example the "mylibrary-1.0_jar" shown below:
> myapp-1.0_ear/
> ..myapp-1.0_war/
> ....WEB-INF/
> ......lib/
> ........somelibrary.jar
> ..lib/
> ....mylibrary-1.0_jar/
> ........myco/
> ..........MyClass.class
> ....application.xml
> We have a variety of bundled libraries that are simply dependent jar
> files such as log4j that we'd never need to deploy exploded. But then
> we have several other bundled library jar files that contain code that
> we authored and that our web app modules (and perhaps ejb modules)
> need to share and depend on.
> Our objective is to to be able to hot deploy changes to these shared
> bundled library projects in the same way that we can update a class or
> jsp in the exploded web app.
> Is this possible in v2?

not that I know of.

> In v3?

I do not think v3 supports deploying ear projects at this point.

You may want to file an RFE for this.

> Not possible at all? If possible, please explain the procedure or
> provide a link to the relevant explanatory documentation.
> Thanks in advance for any help.
> Dave
> --
> ==========
> Dave Muirhead
> <>