Directory Deployment and Bundled Libraries

From: Dave Muirhead <>
Date: Tue, 23 Sep 2008 20:56:42 -0600


I understand that GlassFish supports directory deployment (aka exploded
deployment), at least as far as JEE Modules (ejb .jar, .war, .rar) go. That
much I have been able to get working successfully in v2.

The JEE 5 spec provides that an .ear file can have a directory, by default
named "lib", at the root of the enterprise archive that contains "Bundled
Libraries" (.jar files of classes and resources that need to be available on
the class path of all JEE modules in the application).

What I want to know is whether GlassFish supports deploying Bundled Library
as exploded directories, for example the "mylibrary-1.0_jar" shown below:


We have a variety of bundled libraries that are simply dependent jar files
such as log4j that we'd never need to deploy exploded. But then we have
several other bundled library jar files that contain code that we authored
and that our web app modules (and perhaps ejb modules) need to share and
depend on.

Our objective is to to be able to hot deploy changes to these shared bundled
library projects in the same way that we can update a class or jsp in the
exploded web app.

Is this possible in v2? In v3? Not possible at all? If possible, please
explain the procedure or provide a link to the relevant explanatory

Thanks in advance for any help.


Dave Muirhead