Re: can't assign glassfish prelude to enterprise application netbeans 6.5

From: <>
Date: Tue, 23 Sep 2008 17:51:25 PDT


You may like the series of articles by Reza Rahman

Part 2 in particular has illustrations of ejb 3.1 enterprise app being all in the war. The three projects ear/ejb-jar/war drop down to one war project(ejb 3.1 style). Also look at the templating under 'New File' category Persistence for "JPA Controller classes from Entity classes", "JSF pages from entity classes" etc.

This depending on what you want to achieve and if you are using jsf. These generate backing beans that connect all the way to jsf components in jsp pages which I then convert onward to facelets.

V3 doesn't take ear or ejb jars that I know of. The HelloEJB1 war is simplistic but a good test if the ejb module is working on V3.

If you are working with JBI and composite apps you may want to get at the Felix(with fuji) and the Felix web console. It can show you the state of the components and help you add your own.(If interested I can point to more how-to)

Metro module will run webservices but I have yet to get it to play nice with the ejb module. Currently I have two different gfv3 setups for testing ejbs separate from web services.
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