GlassFish V3: OSGi, HK2 and JSR 277

From: Ryan de Laplante <>
Date: Tue, 23 Sep 2008 20:12:04 -0400


This blog entry gave me the impression that HK2 was going to be the
reference implementation for JSR 277, and that is why GlassFish V3 was
using it:

But later GlassFish V3 chose OSGi. I know it uses a hybrid approach of
HK2 + OSGi:

I'm wondering if HK2 is not going to be an implementation of JSR 277,
and of OSGi is going to become the foundation of JSR 277? I don't
really know much about any of these technologies yet but am starting to
investigate them. I want to create a plugin system for a web
application such as what you find in Hudson, JIRA, Confluence, etc.
I've seen things such as Apache Cocoon but it uses Spring. I want Java
EE purity and will be basing my design on Java EE 6 + GlassFish V3.
Currently I'm thinking about using embedded Felix/OSGi.
