You are missing the options that specify what admin service to connect to. Each domain has its own admin port (default domain is 4848, if you created a domain with portbase 9000, it would be 9048 etc).
For example, here is a sample batch file on windows used to deploy an arbitrary component to a glassfish server:
REM Arguments:
REM host = %1
REM port = %2
REM user = %3
REM password file = %4
REM component name = %5
REM component path = %6
"C:\Program Files\Sun\AppServer\bin\asadmin.bat" deploy --host %1 --port %2 --user %3 --passwordfile %4 --name %5 %6
Where host is the hostname of target domain, port is the admin port, user is the admin user and password file is the location of a file in the format:
Component name is the name it will be deployed with, and path is the physical location of the file that is to be deployed.
Check the usage of deploy for the full list of arguments: asadmin deploy --help
Keep in mind anytime you are using a multi-domain configuration, you pretty much always need to use the --host and --port options to specify the correct domain you are trying to do actions on.
Alex Sherwin
-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Tuesday, September 23, 2008 3:36 PM
Subject: Re: Precompile JSP problems
But it doesn't do the right thing.
It gets deployed to domain1 and not myDomain.
We have 5 domains and I want to be able to selectively deploy ear files to each of the domains.
I run asadamin from /vend/SUNWappserver/bin as my current directory. Do I need to run it with my current directory set to:
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