Re: Gzip encoding

From: Patrick Julien <>
Date: Mon, 22 Sep 2008 13:24:06 -0400

> <property name="compressableMimeType" value="application/json"/>
> Can you try that and see?
> A+

That was already part of the initial configuration.

The initial configuration consisted of

compressableMimeType <- application/json
compressionMinSize <- 20
compression <- force

I also had "compression" to "on" and "compressableMimeType" to "*/*" before
with the same results. However, I don't understand why you're saying the
headers are modified, they clearly are not, the accept encoding header makes
it in either way, it's the results from the server that vary.

It seems like the server is using the port field in the host header field
instead instead of checking the actual port of the connection to determine
if compression should occur or not.