Re: Problems with Glassfish <-> Apache mod_proxy_ajp

From: Kristian Rink <>
Date: Tue, 26 Aug 2008 09:21:37 +0200

Hi there; schrieb:
> Dear Glassfish Community,
> we are using glassfish v2ur2 in combination with Apache 2.2 and
> mod_proxy_ajp on our production server. At least once per week, the
> communication between apache and glassfish seems to come to a halt.

I am by no means an AJP expert (actually we have replaced mod_jk/AJP a while
ago because of issues more or less similar to that, let aside being tied to
an AJP enabled backend which doesn't work for all our systems...), so just a
few ideas on that:

- Generally, have a look at [1]; it seems the

> Aug 25 13:57:56 2008] [error] ajp_read_header: ajp_ilink_receive failed

is not something special to your installment but an issue one or the other
did already stumble across. Along with this, the thread in my opinion
provides a few hints on proxy configuration parameters I'd play with, like
"ping", "ttl", maybe also "timeout" considering the error...

> (localhost) [Mon Aug 25 14:01:22 2008] [error]
> (110)Connection timed out: proxy: AJP: attempt to connect to
> (localhost) failed [Mon Aug 25 14:01:22 2008] [error]
> ap_proxy_connect_backend disabling worker for (localhost)

- Generally, what does happen in there? Could it be processing proxied
requests really just takes too long so a timeout is being hit and the proxy
eventually might consider its backend in some critical state?

> Sometimes restarting apache helps to solve the problem, sometimes both
> apache and glassfish need to be restarted.

We hit a situation similar to that in our environment after switching to
apache 2.2.x as frontend/reverse proxy (in a situation in which our backend
development glassfish domain got restarted once again). Using a ProxyPass
configuration along with retry=0 did resolve this (for mod_proxy_http
though, not sure whether this also works with mod_proxy_ajp). If restarting
glassfish also is required, I'd surely have a look at glassfish in these
situations, eventually checking whether here something peculiar might be
goin' on (any long-running servlet threads got stuck)?

Cheers & good luck,

Kristian Rink
cell    :  +49 176 2447 2771
"we command the system. calling all recievers.
we are noisy people for a better living".
(covenant - "monochrome")
> BTW, the glassfish stacktrace does not show any busy threads, and there
> definitely is no garbage collection problem.