Per [1] below, we had to make admin port for all GlassFish
v3 Prelude distributions to be 4848. Issue [2] describes the
issue to be used to track this problem. The biggest motivation
is to be compatible with V2.
For asadmin users, the defaults are already taken care of. If you
are just invoking asadmin commands with --port, you should be OK.
If you are specifying --port, it should now take the value of
admin port (4848) rather than user port (8080, by default).
For NetBeans plugin, Peter is going to make
changes so that all admin requests are handled at admin port.
For admin GUI, the default URL is now
http://host:4848 and currently
we are experiencing some issues that are being worked on.
For the web-requests, (you know you could manage v3 by just connecting
to browser) you need to enter
http://host:4848/__asadmin/<cmd> instead of
These changes will be available in *b21*. (not b20, which is almost out).
For any questions, please contact me.
- Revision 1.4