Re: Technical Prezo - OSGi Intro and Overview

From: Sahoo <Sahoo_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 20 Aug 2008 13:09:29 +0530

Currently there is no standard way of using OSGi facilities in Java EE
applications. We are exploring ways to make it happen, nothing is
currently available yet. We have some ideas about how to do it and
firmly believe we can make it available in near future. Since our first
priority has been to make Java EE applications run on v3, we have not
focused on making any extensions at this point of time. It is definitely
in our radar as you can see it being mentioned in our one-pager:


Kristian Rink wrote:
> Eduardo, folks;
> not sure whether this is the right place to ask, nevertheless: I
> whole-heartedly would be interested in (asides the simple
> "add-a-Hello-World-bundle" tutorials) seeing some more "real-world"
> tutorials of how to do something meaningful using OSGi inside gfv3. Even
> though, to me, the idea of having OSGi available in glassfish seems a good
> thing so far solely for "buzzword" reasons, I still wonder how to benefit
> from that in my own applications and/or which use cases this eventually
> could cover for developing applications running atop glassfish. Is there
> something like that available yet? :)
> TIA and have a great day everyone,
> Kristian