This is usually caused by weaving. If you have your entities weaved on the
server (e.g. to support LAZY loading), you need to have them weaved either
dynamically (ACC would do that) or statically (i.e. you'd need to
modify/repackage the client side jar) yourself.
Ryan de Laplante wrote:
> I loading a JPA entity from my POJO DAO that uses @PersistenceContext
> and @Transactional from Spring 2.5. The result that is returned has the
> same name (ex: com.company.app.dao.SettingsEntity) but I get a class
> cast exception when I try to cast from Object to the entity bean class
> so that I can use it. I wrote more details here:
> http://forum.springframework.org/showthread.php?t=58964
> I'm wondering if this is a JPA issue, not Spring?
> Thanks,
> Ryan
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