Technical Prezo - OSGi Intro and Overview

From: Eduardo Pelegri-Llopart <>
Date: Tue, 19 Aug 2008 16:50:38 -0700

Richard Hall will be giving an Introduction and Overview to OSGi
tomorrow (Wednesday) 11am PT.

More details at [1] but, for your (offline) convenience, I'm appending
the current content of it below.

        - eduard/o



Speaker Richard Hall, Sun Microsystems
Date Wednesday, August 20th, 2008
Time 11am PT
Physical Location SCA12, Peter Pan's Hall, 3130
Toll Free: (866) 545-5227
Int'l Access: (865) 673-6950 (caller paid)
Access Code: 3535518
Online TheAquarium Channel

OSGi R4 Service Platform: Java Modularity and Beyond

As application complexity increases, the need to mitigate it also grows.
One approach for dealing with such complexity is employing the
principles of modularity to application code. Unfortunately, the Java
platform does not provide explicit support for modularity. The OSGi
Service Platform remedies this situation by defining a general module
layer for Java. Additionally, the OSGi Service Platform defines a
service-oriented model for creating applications. This talk provides an
overview of these aspects of the OSGi Service Platform.