Password Change in admin console

From: <>
Date: Tue, 19 Aug 2008 11:56:05 PDT

Hey Guys,

Is it possible to have the password change from the admin console stored in a file as it would be if you execute something like this

bash-3.1$ asadmin change-admin-password --user admin --port 4848

Please enter the old admin password>adminadmin
Please enter the new admin password>newpassword
Please enter the new admin password again>newpassword
Updated .asadminpass file with new password.
Command change-admin-password executed successfully.

As u can see the password in .asadminpass is updated.

Is it possible to make the admin console update this file? I have a init scrip that uses the .asadminpass file to start GlassFish but it fails if the password was changed from the admin console.
[Message sent by forum member 'nayabinghi' (nayabinghi)]