Re: ClientAbortException: Connection reset

From: Kristian Rink <>
Date: Sat, 16 Aug 2008 22:16:39 +0200

Hi there;

and, at first, thanks for the feedback.

> I am using ubuntu server 8.04 with fixed IP as my server. for client
> machine is I tried both windows and ubuntu. I can see the application
> server home page when i type in http://localhost ip:8080/Wonderland.

I see. Just to make sure a couple of things (not knowing whether or not they
do matter here), could you provide a short list of versions of software
included (glassfish, JDK)? Are you using both as packages off the Ubuntu
repository, or did you manually install them?

> From that page, client is downloading files from server using java web start.
> There I am getting this error.
> Can you please provide some help?

Given my experience with Java Web Start is next to non-existent at the very
least talking about the server side, all so far I can do is blind guessing
(if I find the time I'll try to set up a Wonderland installment on one of
our Ubuntu 8.04 servers on Monday and see whether I can reproduce this

However: Could you state at which point of starting up the webstart
application does terminate throwing this exception? At the very best, is it
possible seeing which kind of resource (a .jar file, eventually) is being
downloaded that very moment this exception is being thrown)?

- The first thing I would somehow try doing is to see whether or not this
exception also happens to appear while manually downloading the resource in
question using some sort of web browser / lynx / wget / whatever.

- Adding to that, I'd also post this question to a mailing list / forum
related to Project Wonderland, perhaps someone else has seen a similar error
like this in relation to Glassfish?

- Least of all, maybe doing a test-deployment to a local tomcat installation
could help figuring out whether it's a glassfish or wonderland or webstart
related issue?

- Do you use / need any proxies for internet access which eventually are
configured and affecting the way your Java plugin does connect to remote
servers? Seems unlikely, but I'm not sure it's an impossible reason...

Sorry not to have any solutions at hand yet, good luck and get back here if
you need more input. :)


Kristian Rink
cell    :  +49 176 2447 2771
"we command the system. calling all recievers.
we are noisy people for a better living".
(covenant - "monochrome")