Using sun-appserv-deploy to deploy RAR (Resource Adapter) file

From: <>
Date: Tue, 12 Aug 2008 08:28:07 PDT

I am trying to deploy RAR (Resource Adapter) file using ant task: [b][i]sun[/i][/b][b][i]-appserv-deploy[/i][/b], provided by Glassfish. I am calling sun-appserv-deploy from my ant build script.

My RAR file has a ra.xml deployment descriptor file, which defines an application specific [b][i]config-property[/i][/b]. I want to override the value of this config-property at the time of deployment. but I do not see any option to do so.

I would really appreciate any help on this. (Note: I am trying to do so as part of automated build, so there is no manual intervention assumed)
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