I'm pulling my hair out. I was supposed to have this finished by yesterday. I'm trying to create two clustered domains (dev and test) on two physical Solaris 10 servers using virtual IP addresses. We have a requirement in our company to use standard ports for VPN access, so I need the DAS and the cluster instances to use the same ports, but no matter what I try, the servers try to listen on the "hostname" value and of course, conflict.
domain "dev" is already running. Now I'm trying to create domain "test"
There is no "hostname" option in the create-domain --profile cluster command. So I edited the domain.xml and changed "localhost" to the the test hostname and all instances of fishdev2 to fishtest1, changed all the addresses to the virtual IP address. I edited the sun-acc.xml to change the target-server directive to the fishtest1 (virtual IP hostname). I've grepped for 'dev' in everything and the only thing it shows up in is the keys.jks file (which I'm not going to worry about). The main hostname of the machine is fishdev2.
Yet when I try to start the domain, it always errors out that it can't bind to the port and shows the 'dev' hostname. Where is it getting that from? And can I change it permanently?
Exception: Cannot bind to URL [rmi://fishdev2:8686/management/rmi-jmx-connector]: javax.naming.ServiceUnavaila
bleException [Root exception is java.rmi.ConnectException: Connection refused to host: fishdev2; nested except
ion is:
java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused];_RequestID=8f4e7d39-9383-481f-9842-390cc5fea886;|Servic
e com.sun.enterprise.admin.server.core.JmxConnectorLifecycle_at_13c339f cannot be started! : com.sun.appserv.serv
er.ServerLifecycleException: Cannot bind to URL [rmi://[b]fishdev2[/b]:8686/management/rmi-jmx-connector]: javax.nami
ng.ServiceUnavailableException [Root exception is java.rmi.ConnectException: Connection refused to host: fishd
ev2; nested exception is:
java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused]|#]
I come from a weblogic background and they make it really simple to assign servers to IPs... that would be one "feature request" I'd like to see in Glassfish.
[Message sent by forum member 'misschatter' (misschatter)]