Re: Fetch all roles assigned to an user

From: Markus KARG <>
Date: Thu, 07 Aug 2008 14:12:57 +0200

> 1) Is it possible for an EJB to find all roles for the current user? I could invoke "isCallerInRole" for each role but unfortunatelly I don't know the roles at development time
There is no Java EE standard way to find out all the roles assigned to
one user unless you know all possible roles and want to check for the
current user only. You need to specialize your code to use LDAP or
GlassFish APIs to query this information.

I would ask you to write to Bill Shannon (Java EE 6 Spec Lead) to
indicate your interest in this. It seems I am not the only one that
needs to create / query access rights by EJB means.

