Re: glassfish and logging

From: kawazu <>
Date: Tue, 26 Aug 2008 21:49:54 +0200 schrieb:
> No, this is not available, just by changing configuration. In theory,
> you can write your own scanner to do this as a post-processing step.

Having things like this available through the web administration console
simply to be set up and enabled at runtime however would greatly help,
same as I am still then and now dreaming to, in "Logging" setup, not
just be capable of setting log levels for my custom packages but also
to, once in there, define to which log file output eventually should be
dumped... In tomcat one mostly uses commons-logging or log4j for these
things, basically making it application-dependent, which I also don't
think is a good idea. Logging aspects as a whole (including levels _and_
target loggers) should be configurable in the application server
transparently at application runtime... Any chance of having a feature
like this in glassfish anytime soon?

Cheers & best regards,