Re: endorsed jars not being used

From: Sahoo <Sahoo_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 17 Jul 2008 08:07:11 -0700 wrote:
> For this web application under Tomcat, the standard practice is to drop the xerces and xalan XML parsers into Tomcat's endorsed directory, if this error shows up in the logs and the webapp won't start:
> --- BEGIN ---
> OpenSAML requires an xml parser that supports JAXP 1.3 and DOM3.
> The JVM is currently configured to use the Sun XML parser, which is known
> to be buggy
That's a bit harsh. Why can't they specify specific bug numbers at the
time of writing the doc so that users can always check if the bugs have
been fixed in a later release or not.
> and can not be used with OpenSAML. Please endorse a functional
> JAXP library(ies) such as Xerces and Xalan. For instructions on how to endorse
> a new parser see
More over, surely they are not saying it's a bug in the API, are they?
They are just asking the implementation to be replaced by a new one. If
you do want to replace the implementation, then use techniques described

The third options there sounds like a good one to use in your case.
