Glassfish on port 80 on alternate IP - pointers?

From: <>
Date: Wed, 16 Jul 2008 20:08:02 PDT

I'm running a server which hosts a number of websites, using Apache 2's virtual hosting features.

I would now like to start adding Glassfish applications as virtual hosts. I've done a basic install of Glassfish and brought it up on the default port 8080.

What I'd really like to do is to give the Glassfish-based sites their own IP, and have Glassfish listen on port 80. I currently have three IPs configured on the box, so I'd like to have something like: --> ip1:80 (Apache) --> ip1:80 (Apache) --> ip2:80 (Glassfish) --> ip2:80 (Glassfish)

i.e. port 80 on ip1 will be handled by Apache, and port 80 on ip2 will be handled by Glassfish, with various domains mapped to one or the other.

I've been assuming that having multiple IPs available meant that I could do this without proxying requests destined for the Glassfish server through Apache, but if mod_proxy is the easiest way to go and doesn't have any major negatives, then I'm open to that idea.

Can anyone point me at documentation that would guide me through getting this set up?

Thanks, Angus
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