endorsed jars not being used

From: <>
Date: Wed, 16 Jul 2008 15:23:01 PDT

I am trying to deploy the shibboleth 2.0 IDP jar file to glassfish v2ur1 on Solaris 10/SPARC. It deploys just fine on Ubuntu using Sun Java 6 (update 6), but on Solaris I get an error about the built-in XML parsing libraries. On Tomcat, I have to put the xerces and xalan jars that come with Shibboleth into the tomcat endorsed directory, but on glassfish I can't get the endorsed jars to work.

I have tried the following and so far none of them work:
  * using the built-in java 5 installation from the OS
    - putting the jars in the ${glassfish}/lib/endorsed directory
    - putting the jars in the $JAVA_HOME/lib/endorsed directory
  * installing the Java 6 (update 7) on the system and running glassfish on that
    - putting the jars in the ${glassfish}/lib/endorsed directory
    - putting the jars in the $JAVA_HOME/lib/endorsed directory

Is there another method for endorsing these jar files?
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