Re: Thank you, Wolfram Rittmeyer!

From: Wolfram Rittmeyer <>
Date: Mon, 14 Jul 2008 21:33:49 +0200

Jan.Luehe_at_Sun.COM wrote:
> Hi Wolfram,
> on behalf of the entire GlassFish team, I would like to thank you
> for answering so many of the questions on the GlassFish user forum, most
> recently on the "Problems with listeners, hosts and multihoming" thread.
> Your answers are always very well written and technically most accurate.
> Please be aware that your efforts are not going unnoticed. They are
> very much appreciated by the entire GlassFish team! :)
> Jan

Well, I simply happen to like GlassFish ;-)

And of course, Jan, it is good to hear that my comments and tips help
others. Thanks!

Wolfram Rittmeyer