Re: Cant run EJB swing client over the internet

From: <>
Date: Mon, 14 Jul 2008 06:54:39 PDT

Sorry, I misread one piece of the stack trace. The line numbers in your error do seem to be up-to-date.

A little background may help understand this. For Java Web Start launches the server sends the IIOP endpoint address or addresses which the client should use as part of the generated JNLP document. The app client container (ACC) uses that information to contact an ORB on the server. That is what is displayed in the fhird INFO message in your original post:

INFO: ACC024: IIOP endpoint(s) =

Although I am not positive, I believe that this first contact succeeds based on the stack trace. After that, name lookups should return the host and port where the named resource can be contacted. And it seems something is not quite right with how that address is being handled.

Is it possible that your client might have a hosts file that maps the server's host name to the LAN address?

- Tim
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