Glassfish realms can be used to provide, in combination with j_security_check, security and authorization for web applications.
What I don't understand however is how to use those services outside the web tier. For example, in JMS. The default JMS provider in Glassfish is OpenMQ and also supports JAAS.
So, how do you use a Glassfish realm to clamp down your topics and queues? From the glassfish administration console, in "New JMS Connection Factory" the only options available are properties for the password and the user name which seem to be globally set per factory.
What am I missing here? Glassfish supports JAAS. OpenMQ supports JAAS. OpenMQ is inside Glassfish. However, OpenMQ inside Glassfish can't use Glassfish realms.
[Message sent by forum member 'pjulien' (pjulien)]