Re: Delegated Administration?

From: John Clingan <John.Clingan_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 09 Jul 2008 10:18:50 -0700

Vince, role-based access control is targeted for GlassFish v3.
Currently authenticated access to the DAS, and the clusters/instances
defined within, gives access to everything. Some customers will create
a new domain for each business unit which gets around some scope issues.

Hope this helps.

On Jul 9, 2008, at 10:12 AM, wrote:

> I know in the land of WebSphere App Server I can specify the level
> of access that an account an administration user has to the cell.
> Is this possible inside Glassfish?
> The four roles defined in WebSphere are:
> Administrator - full access to everything
> Monitor - only has read access to the console.
> Configurator - monitor access plus can change configuration
> settings, but not global settings like security settings
> Operator - monitor access plus can stop and start applications and
> application servers (instances)
> Regards,
> Vince
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