GF host with multiple IP adresses - JConsole from remote could not connect

From: <>
Date: Wed, 09 Jul 2008 03:20:00 PDT

I am no TCP or UDP expert.

I installed GF v2Ur2 on a remote host which is connected via two ethernet cards connected to two different networks from which only one is accessible from my development system. From my local development system I wanted to use JConsole.

GF JMX Port listens on But JConsole could not connect.

Using ethereal I could observ, that JConsole got a first contact but tried to continue communication with a port bound to the IP number of the not accessible network.

As this IP is not known by JConsole on my local system, the information to use it must have been sent by GF (probably during a handshake phase?).

Why does GF want to move the conversation into the other network?

Why is it not possible to configure GF such as to ignore the second IP number completely? I tried this replacing all entries in domain.xml to the accessible network IP but GF did not start any longer because of trying to bind one port number twice (ORB port? - I don't remember exactly).

Imagine you want to have two or more absolutely separate GF installations on one host, each using its own network. Such configuration seems to be impossible?

We found a solution to my JConsole problem. This solution probably points to the reason for the ip confusion:

The hostname was and /etc/resolv.conf search entry was '' . After changing this entry to '', the JConsole could communicate perfectly. /etc/hosts should not contain any entry other than 'localhost'.
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