_at_RunAs doesn't forward security principal?

From: Markus Karg <>
Date: Wed, 9 Jul 2008 08:47:25 +0200

We need to run a servlet that is not secured in any way (public
The servlet needs to access session bean X (local interface, same EAR)
that also is not secured but marked as @RunAs("User")
That session bean X needs to access another session bean (local
interface, same EAR) Y which IS secured by @RolesAllowed("User").

At runtime, when SB X calls SB Y, GlassFish says that we do not have
access rights to execute the business method of SB Y.

We do not understand that, because SB X is marked with @RunAs, so we
expect propagation of access rights of this role.

GF: v2ur1
JDK: 6

We have no idea why that is not working.

Any ideas how to solve that?

(server.log is attached so you can see the full stack trace)
