Using Glassfish 2 with Netbeans is great, but not always possible. When using another IDE like Eclipse, redeployment takes quite some time. "Redeployment" in the sense of dynamic reloading or deploydir causes a complete undeploy and deploy cycle. Thus, deployment performance is not as good as it could be.
Currently, I am trying to figure out the best deployment option for Eclipse 3.4. I quit using WTP with Glassfish plugin, because it does not support directory deployment. Instead, I wrote a little ant task to copy the files in a directory structure and call as admin deploydir.
Another option may be JavaRebel...
Is there a faster way to (re)deploy? How does Netbeans deployment work (using "Run" and not "Undeploy and deploy")? What will Glassfish 3 offer?
[Message sent by forum member 'markusoj' (markusoj)]