Re: Glassfish Connection Pool Problem

From: <>
Date: Thu, 31 Jul 2008 00:06:33 PDT

Problem solved!

The problem was that I had problems with the thin driver because the db doesn't support it. In the java application I used the oci driver.
But when I tried to ping with the oci driver I got another error:
no ocijdbc9 in java.library.path

Then I checked all of the enviroment variables but there were no failures.
Then I checked the asadmin.bat and I think I found an error:

@echo off
REM Copyright 2004-2005 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
REM Use is subject to license terms.

call "C:\Programme\Sun\AppServer\config\asenv.bat"
set Path=%AS_INSTALL%\bin;%AS_ICU_LIB%;%PATH%

"%AS_JAVA%\bin\java" -Dcom.sun.aas.instanceName=server [b]-Djava.library.path="%AS_INSTALL%\bin";"%AS_ICU_LIB%" [/b]-Dcom.sun.aas.configRoot="%AS_CONFIG%" -Djava.endorsed.dirs="%AS_INSTALL%\lib\endorsed" -Dcom.sun.aas.processLauncher="SE" -cp "%AS_DERBY_INSTALL%\lib\derby.jar";"%AS_INSTALL%\jbi\lib\jbi-admin-cli.jar";"%AS_INSTALL%\jbi\lib\jbi-admin-common.jar";"%AS_INSTALL%\lib\appserv-rt.jar";"%AS_INSTALL%\lib\appserv-ext.jar";"%AS_INSTALL%\lib\javaee.jar";"%AS_INSTALL%\lib\appserv-se.jar";"%AS_INSTALL%\lib\admin-cli.jar";"%AS_INSTALL%\lib\appserv-admin.jar";"%AS_INSTALL%\lib\commons-launcher.jar";"%AS_INSTALL%\lib\install\applications\jmsra\imqjmsra.jar" com.sun.enterprise.cli.framework.CLIMain %*

The interesting part is the bold one. Why do I initialize a variable when I don't use it?
So I changed this part to:

estarted the server and now it works.
It really took me some time to find the error so I hope this helps someone who has also problems with thze OCI driver and can't use the thin one because of his database.
[Message sent by forum member 'thellos' (thellos)]