Grizzly Comet in clustered enviroment

From: Jung-Shuo Pai <>
Date: Thu, 3 Jul 2008 12:18:25 +0800

 Hi there:

Currently, I am trying to upgrading our previous website running on TOMCAT
5.5 to a clustered environment run by Glassfish.

In our application, we use the Grizzly Comet API to do the following thing:

> A Flash client requests a URL, say /Send , and we'll keep a connection for
> this client, but add a handler for the client until someone notify it.
> A software will call another URL, say /Return, and the handler for the
> Flash client will be notified.
 The Flash client will then receive & display a message from the server
> before the connection is closed.

However, this application only works in single-server scenario.

In clustered environment, if the Flash client request URL on server A, but
the software request URL on server B, then the Flash client will never

The typical example of Grizzly Comet API is the Chatroom application. But
even in this application, the issue I mentioned still exists.

Is there any possible wayI can resolve the issue happening in the clustered

Thank you for taking a look at my question.

Best Regards,
