Re: Glassfish-v2ur2 persistence unit deployment problem

From: <>
Date: Mon, 28 Jul 2008 17:41:45 PDT

ok, I will try to explain.

I have a EJB module called EJBModule1 and my persistence.xml like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<persistence version="1.0" xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
  <persistence-unit name="Medical" transaction-type="JTA">

the file entity-all-in-one.jar this in the root of my file EJBModule1.jar
the log is:
For pu-root [E:\desenv\exemplos\EJBModule1\build\jar], a jar-file [entity-all-in-one.jar] specified in persistence.xml is not found.
The server also looked for a file called [E:\desenv\exemplos\EJBModule1\build\entity-all-in-one_jar]. Please verify your application.|#]

my jar this in:

if I put this way, it doesn't also find the file:

_RequestID=4531eb35-de55-495c-ab72-b64f7b7707b8;|PersistenceUnitInfoImpl: For pu-root [E:\desenv\exemplos\EJBModule1\build\jar], a jar-file
[../entity-all-in-one.jar] specified in persistence.xml is not found. The server also looked for a file called
[E:\desenv\exemplos\EJBModule1\build\..\entity-all-in-one_jar]. Please verify your application.|#]

the only way that I made to work went making the deploy my EJBModule1.jar on Admin Console and declaring the jar this way:

but this way it doesn't work making the deploy on Netbeans:
For pu-root [E:\desenv\exemplos\EJBModule1\build\jar], a jar-file [EJBModule1/entity-all-in-one.jar] specified in persistence.xml is not found.
The server also looked for a file called [E:\desenv\exemplos\EJBModule1\build\EJBModule1_entity-all-in-one_jar]. Please verify your application.|#]

to work in Netbeans, I'm declaring the jar this way:

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