Re: setting node-specific properties

From: Kedar Mhaswade <Kedar.Mhaswade_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Sat, 26 Jul 2008 16:49:48 -0700

Dick Davies wrote:
> On Sat, Jul 26, 2008 at 2:26 PM, Kedar Mhaswade <> wrote:
>> Absolutely.
>> If all you need is a Java system property that is unique for instances
>> in a cluster, you can do the following:
>> - In the cluster, define a Java system property (we call it JVM option
>> for some weird reason) named defaultClientId (e.g.) using command
>> like: asadmin create-jvm-options -- "-DdefaultClientId=${UNIQUE_NAME}"
>> As a result, the cluster's java-config element would have something
>> like: <jvm-options>-DdefaultClientId=${UNIQUE_NAME} </jvm-options>
>> - Define a GlassFish system property (weird name, but that's what it
>> is!) that overrides the value of UNIQUE_NAME per instance:
>> asadmin create-system-properties --target instance1
>> UNIQUE_NAME=cluster1:instance1
>> asadmin create-system-properties --target instance2
>> UNIQUE_NAME=cluster1:instance2
> That sounds like what I want, thanks. Glassfish doesn't expose something
> like the instance name by default, by any chance?
> Would be handy for general debugging if we could grab that (we run this
> behind a Netscaler for load balancing, and it's often useful to expose something
> like a node id for troubleshooting).

There is, but it's not a public interface of GlassFish. It's like
the sun.misc.Base64Encoder class ;) which you not supposed to use.

e.g. inside the application code (assuming security manager allows)
do System.getProperty("com.sun.aas.instanceName"). That's your instance's
name which is guaranteed to be unique in given domain.
Again, rely on this name at your own risk.
>> I hope this can be easily tied with Roller's properties file.
> Hmm, that's the bit I'm worried about :)
> Need to Google up a way to do something like
> = ${some-system-property}
> in a general properties file.
> (Feel free to pipe up, developers :) )
> Thanks a lot !
>> Regards,
>> Kedar
>> Dick Davies wrote:
>>> Hi, we're running a 2 node GFv2 cluster, and we've got the Roller
>>> weblogger running
>>> on both nodes.
>>> I've been debugging some weird issues the past day or two and think I
>>> found the problem;
>>> the webapp needs a property
>>> # client identifier. should be unique for each instance in a cluster.
>>> tasks.clientId=defaultClientId
>>> (in a bundled properties file) to uniquely identify each
>>> instance (to handle concurrent access to parts of the database).
>>> Since both glassfish instances are running the same WAR file, they
>>> both have the same clientid.
>>> I really don't want to have to write 2 different WARfiles, so I'm
>>> wondering if there's a way to set
>>> a system property at glassfish instance startup (-Dclientid=$HOSTNAME),
>>> that I could somehow inject into that properties file?
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