Re: what kind of build environment you use for Java EE applications?

From: Gabor Szokoli <>
Date: Thu, 24 Jul 2008 12:56:57 +0200


On Thu, Jul 24, 2008 at 11:45 AM, Legolas wood <> wrote:
> I will be thankful for any advice or sample setting or power tools which
> we can use to setup the development environment.

Not really glassfish specific, but here's my advice:
The support infrastructure is more a function (and often a mirror) of
the participating organisations structure than anything else.
One-man effort? Get a yellow pad and a pencil, use SVN as safety
backup and to feed Hudson.
Multiple development teams charging each other for manhours, trying to
jugle the requirements from clients with those from marketing?
Whatever you decide gets blamed for the inevitable failure, so rent a
Rational consultant to take the blame :-)

On topic:
Glassfish only needs to work with your IDE, and your IDE only needs to
work with your version control system (and possibly the bug tracker),
and so on, so you are pretty free to pick and choose your
infrastructure components independently from deploying to glassfish in
the end.

We are a small group, keep IDE-independent sources in SVN with a
pom.xml, use maven at the individual developers machine to create an
eclipse project.
We use Hudson for CI, Bugzilla for issue tracking and assigning tasks,
trac for wiki (with requirements and design pages) and SVN browsing.
