Re: SSL support

From: Kedar Mhaswade <Kedar.Mhaswade_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 22 Jul 2008 10:32:28 -0700

Valid question.

The location is in domain.xml. To be precise: <domain-folder>/config/domain.xml.

Another way you could consider is to add the CRT into an already existing
keystore which is located at:

Thus, the point is -- GF already comes with a keystore, you can add your
keys, certs to it and configure the listener(s), e.g. http-listener-1 to
use them by a nick-name.


Patrick Ward wrote:
> Hello,
> I looked in the SJSAS developer and deployer guides as well as the
> GlassFish documentation, and I must have missed the reference to which
> configuration file holds the information for the location of the
> keystore file. I used java keytool to set up the keystore, generated a
> CSR, and I have received a CRT from our CA, which I added to the
> keystore, but I am not sure how to tell glassfish where the keystore is.