Re: Glassfish and Java Web Start

From: <>
Date: Mon, 16 Jun 2008 08:17:21 PDT

Did you package the revised JNLP into your web app and redeploy the web app?

Remember that Java Web Start on the client will use the URL to the JNLP to ask the server for the timestamp it has for any files needed for the app, including the JNLP. If the server has a more recent copy than what is cached locally on that particular client, then Java Web Start will download the newer copy from the same server.

You are using a URL that refers to the JNLP as accessed through the web app you have deployed to GlassFish. If you revise the JNLP in your development environment, you need to update your .war file with the new JNLP and redeploy the app to GlassFish in order for the new version of the JNLP file to be used.

If you are currently using a purely development environment (that is, you are not using multiple server instances), you can use directory deployment which allows you to skip the step of packaging the .war file. Instead, you tell GlassFish where your development directory is and GlassFish uses those files directly. In this case any time you edit the JNLP or rebuild the JARs that make up your application, GlassFish should begin using the new versions right away.

Just be sure that the directory structure you are using conforms to what GlassFish expects for directory-deployed apps. If the contents of your web app is only the JNLP and the JARs, then your directory might look something like this:


For production environments people generally deploy packaged WARs, but for development environments this is a nice way to streamline your work.

- Tim
- Tim
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