Re: Environment variables in asenv.bat

From: <>
Date: Thu, 12 Jun 2008 15:15:14 PDT

This does not directly answer your question, but as you might have found out, asadmin.bat
[i]sources[/i] asenv.bat and hence the variable declarations in that file are available to the VM
that asadmin runs.

The way asadmin exploits this fact is if any of the options in asadmin is specified in the environment
as AS_ADMIN_[option-name], the value of that environment variable is treated as the value of
this option. e.g. if you had:

in your asenv.bat, running "asadmin start-database" would take this value as the home of your database (Java DB database, i.e.)

Note that the scope of this is limited to "asadmin" commands.

- Kedar
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