Re: Glassfish Slowing Down

From: Jeanfrancois Arcand <Jeanfrancois.Arcand_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 11 Jun 2008 20:46:04 -0400


Eric Chamberlain wrote:
>> Greetings all.
>> I am seeing a problem in which my Glassfish-hosted service slows down over time. Over
>> a few weeks, it slows down to 10x its original response time. The Glassfish framework
>> is used only to support this one service (which, conveniently, has but one external
>> API). When I stop the Glassfish instance and re-start it, the response time immediately
>> goes back to its expected (short) interval.
Can you gives more information about your service? Mainly, are you using
only JSP and Servlet (no db, no remote call, no extrenal component)?
Most of the time this problem is cased by an external component that
locks our threads.

>> We have conducted stress testing on the service code and there is no slow down
>> detectable even when we simulate many weeks of use in a short time. We also could
>> detect no bloat of the heap in our stress testing. BTW, the service does *not* access
>> any databases.
>> The next suspect is the Glassfish framework itself. How can I find out more information
>> on when and if Glassfish is slowing down handling requests? Is there someway that I can
>> post an automatic monitor which will help me track down changes in response times over a
>> multi-week time frame and correlate them with memory usage?

Are you able to reproduce the problem easily? Do you think are you able
to get a thread dump when it starts slowing down?

>> Another hypothesis is that we're losing information from dis-connection and
>> re-connections that happen over time (and thus are not seen in a stress test because of
>> the compressed time frame). Have there been any problems in this area found by others?
>> I could find nothing myself.

Grizzly (the http front end of GlassFish) will close connections under
two circumstances:

(1) A connection is idle for more that 30 seconds
(2) More than 250 requests has been made on a persistent connection.

Based on the above information, I suspect (1) might happens. But usually
slow down are observed because

(1) All the worker thread takes times to execute. During that time, all
incoming requests are queued. As soon as one thread is free, it dequeue
one request and execute it. By default, the queue can accept 4096
connection. After reaching that limit, Grizzly just start refusing requests.

(2) Your application/framework is doing something wrong by
caching/storing data (wild guess).

So, first let's do the usual configuration stuff. First, can you add, in
domain.xml, the following property:


Restart GlassFish and try to reproduce the problem. Can you also send
your domain.xml? Are you changing the http-listener's acceptor-threads
value by any chance? If yes, set it to 1 (the default) and see if the
problem still happens.

Also please let us know which JDK and OS version you are using.


-- Jeanfrancois

>> Thanks for the help!
>> Eric Chamberlain
>> VentriPoint, Inc. | | Software Engineer
>> Helping heart care through innovative diagnostic solutions
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